
一、牙醫學系博士班 必選科目表 : 查詢

二、牙醫學系博士班 核心能力與課程對應表 

核心能力 ( Core competence )

配合課程(Corresponding course)

牙科生醫研究之專業價值、態度、行為和倫理Dentists subspecialty professional values​​, attitudes, behavior and ethics

研究倫理Research ethics


Basic and clinical research skills

口腔暨生醫科技特論(一) (二) Special topics in biotechnology research (I)(II)

進階口腔組織工程特論Advanced tissue engineering

高等口腔生物學Advanced oral biology

高等生物物理學Advanced biophysics

顎咬合口腔功能特論Special topics in gnathology & occlusal function

高階牙周分子生物特論(二) Advanced periodontal molecular biology (II)

高階牙周組織研究特論(二) Advanced periodontal monograph of histological research (II)

高等口腔生物力學Advanced oral biomechanics

奈米生醫材料應用與分析Nano-biomedical materials: applications & analysis

批判性思維和牙科研究 To train students to have the ability to approach the thematic discussion and think independently.

專題討論(一)(二)(三)(四) Seminar (I)(II)(III)(IV)


服務意識 Service

業界參訪活動Industry visits